So wonderful Renee...
Have to read it again!
So wonderful Renee...
Have to read it again!
Your letter is beautiful as I told you in email.
You made my birthday today the best one ever.
Grace is the most beautiful gift!
Love Aways,
Your Friend,
i'm interested in knowing how many, after leaving, started to attend a church.
if so, what one and how did you decide?
That's right, Calvary Chapels preach that it is all about a personal relationship with God first through a personal relationship with His Son Jesus. Not a personal relationship with a church like it was when we were JWs. We had relationships with the Watchtower. The Tower told us what to think, when to meet, how to talk, when to talk, how to dress, we were accountable to the elders. Now I am accountable to One, Jesus.
i'm interested in knowing how many, after leaving, started to attend a church.
if so, what one and how did you decide?
I actually prayed in 1992 after I knew without a doubt that the Watchtower was NOT the truth. I prayed and I asked God "ok, now what? I had not gone to the meetings regularly in a long time while I was researching things. I was going to stay unchurched because I did not want to be involved in religion. I prayed one day and felt the Holy Spirit leading me to Calvary Chapel Riverside California which is called "Harvest" Greg Laurie is the pastor there. I was nervous the first time, but after I researched Calvary Chapel doctine I served on different ministries there and it was a truly blessed experience.
I have been involved in Calvary Chapel's ever since. I married a pastor and we pastored a small IFCA Community Church. Now we are full time theology students at Calvary Chapel Bible College and we will go wherever God sends us. But if it is to pastor a church again, it will be a Calvary Chapel.
This is how I would size up any church if I was shopping;
Do they have charitable outreach ministries like food banks, helping hands ministries, convescelent ministries, have or support homeless shelters..etc
Do they promote or support missionaries, if so, what type?
Do they have a dress code? (forget it)
Look for legalism. Look for friendliness. It is ok to be critical. After what we have been through with the Watchtower we have to be very critical. And even if we do settle in at a new Bible based church we have to watch for erroneous doctrine that might slip in.
The Watchtower brand of false doctrine is nothing new. Aryanism has been around for 2000 years, they just repackaged it.
Does the worship music move you? It should. Worship is a very important part of even going to church. Calvary Chapel is contemporary and utilizes many musical talents. Drums, guitars etc. The pipe organ and old hyms are hard to sing to and really take part in for me it was anyway.
If you believe Genisis 1:1, you deserve to be in a regular fellowship of like minded believers.
Never give up! Keep researching. ::WAVE to my Calvary Chapel family on this thread!::
how would you define the word apostate, now that you aren't in sync with the watchtower anymore?
The dictionary says that apostate means to leave a former loyalty.
I am apostate from the Watchtower.
I am not apostate from God.
The Watchtower is not God nor do they represent Him.
JWs fear me and hate me. God loves me.
They feel so righteous when they call me apostate. It explains everything in their minds. We know things we are not supposed to know. We know all their dirty little secrets. When I call myself apostate they feel they are justified to hate me and reject whatever I think say or feel. JWs consider me the spawn os Satan.
This guy is going to be on Americas Most Wanted TV show in April. They are going to cover the pedophile issues within the Org.I found out through Bill Bowen.
although i've been bapized back in 1988, and never was disfellowshipped, the last time a jw came over here as a friend, was about 15 years ago.
oh, and i'm not shunned..... the only witnesses who knocked on my door in the last 15 years, were elders, in "uniform" in the field service.. now, imagine if i was really shunned......
I stated that Americas Most Wanted the TV show would have a JW molester on it yesterday or next week. Bill Bowen clarified yesterday that they will start doinjg interviews Tuesday, and the show will air in April. It will be concerning John McLean. I'll post the link and more information.
although i've been bapized back in 1988, and never was disfellowshipped, the last time a jw came over here as a friend, was about 15 years ago.
oh, and i'm not shunned..... the only witnesses who knocked on my door in the last 15 years, were elders, in "uniform" in the field service.. now, imagine if i was really shunned......
The last time one of my JW "sisters" knocked was over ten years ago in another town. I remember the last time they came to visit, they sat down, we talked about my experience in the hospital, I showed them some passages on the Deity of Christ...they said "we are going to look into that...
They had witnessed (no pun intended) a miracle while I was in the hospital. It threw them into a state of cognitive dissonence. I never seen them again. Same thing, around town I was invisible. I am a little cheeky and would deliberatly jump in front of them and say "HI!". I have a friend who always says "I make sure they know that I am shunning THEM, they are not shunning me"
I am "Yuccas" daughter that posted up there ^ and my husband did really good talking to them this morning. I just happened to have some stuff printed off from Silent Lambs. "Americas Most Wanted" may have a JW molester in the news on Today's or next weeks broadcast, so I had some info on hand.
i got this email in 2001 from someone i don't know.
i posted about it back then, but got no responses.
it is kinda a long read, but worth it.
Now I'm not saying I believe this email had any true real souce, it probably was made up, but the discussion turned to; could JWs kill?
Christian Longo murdered his wife and children -- the Crime Library - The Crime library
This was a fine young JW murderer.
i got this email in 2001 from someone i don't know.
i posted about it back then, but got no responses.
it is kinda a long read, but worth it.
JWs are not really different from any cult in this respect, IMHO. Many cults have executed folks for various reasons, all using the excuse that it was God's will. Jonestown, the Hale-Bopp people, the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem witch trials............. Yes,but please give an example of at least one Jehovahs witness executing someone.Executing oneself is self murder, and this is very common in the Organization There have been several men that killed their families, some were documented on Silent Lambs, don't know if the stories are still there. One was on the Court channel over several weeks. I'll look up the stories. It was on the Court channel site too..can't remember the guys name but I'll find it. It was wierd to watch the trial on TV for many reasons. I totally believe Belbab's story because of what I have seen and experienced in my own family, other JWs, and JWs online. I actually was told by an active JW to stop my medical treatments and die. Ok so that may not be a gun, but isn't that the next step? Either way he wanted me dead because I was an apostate. IF it was LEGAL to kill apostates, I believe they would be doing it. IMHO